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  • Human History

  • 1000 Interesting Facts About Humans from Ancient Times to the Present (Curious Histories Collection)
  • De : Ahoy Publications
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 3 h et 31 min

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Human History

De : Ahoy Publications
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    Dive into the fascinating history of the world with 1,000 interesting facts!

    1000 Interesting Facts About Human History is an in-depth exploration of human history from 200,000 BCE to the present day. Discover how early humans migrated across landmasses, the inventions revolutionized society and helped propel humanity forward, the rise of powerful civilizations, and wars that changed our global landscape forever.

    This guide also covers other major events, such as the American Civil Rights Movement and the decolonization of Africa and Asia. This audiobook is chock-full of interesting information that will help you cement your knowledge of world history.

    Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect to find within this audiobook:

    • An overview of early human migrations
    • Details on some of the first inventions and the creation of cities
    • A look into ancient cultures, such as Egypt and Mesopotamia
    • A detailed timeline of major events that affected history, such as the rise of Christianity, the unification of Germany, and the Industrial Revolution
    • Events that are not often talked about in public schools, such as the Arab Spring
    • Modern events, like the refugee crisis and the rise of social media
    • And so much more!

    Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn about key moments in human history!

    ©2024 Ahoy Publications (P)2024 Ahoy Publications
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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