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Couverture de Hula Homicide

Hula Homicide

De : B.A. Trimmer
Lu par : Lily Harmon
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    From author B.A. Trimmer comes a new wedding planner in Aloha Lagoon...but will she get a happily ever after?

    Kristy Piper finally achieved her lifelong dream of moving to paradise when she took a job in Hawaii as the Aloha Lagoon resort wedding planner on the gorgeous island of Kauai. Sun, surf, sandy beaches, and glowing brides...what could possibly go wrong?

    Turns out, everything.

    What starts out as a dream destination wedding, with a happy couple and their wedding party enjoying all that Aloha Lagoon has to offer, turns into a nightmare when one of the groomsmen is found dead just days before the ceremony. What's worse, Kristy's hot new photographer, Jake Hunter, was found next to the victim, along with the murder weapon, a souvenir tiki statue.

    While Kristy is convinced Jake had nothing to do with the killing, the police are not as sure. Suddenly it's up to Kristy to clear the heartthrob's name and figure out which of the wedding party had it in for the dead guest. Is it the groomsman with a past? The twin bridesmaids with designs on deception? Or the anonymous thief who stole the bride's wealthy aunt's jewelry just before the murder? With the help of her bold middle-aged office manager Dorothy and her beautiful best friend Leilani, Kristy attempts to wade through the wedding party of suspects, all with complicated histories with the dead man. Can they find the real killer before the police close in on an innocent man...or will they die trying?

    The Aloha Lagoon Mysteries:

    Ukulele Murder (book #1)
    Murder on the Aloha Express (book #2)
    Deadly Wipeout (book #3)
    Deadly Bubbles in the Wine (book #4)
    Mele Kalikimaka Murder (book #5)
    Death of the Big Kahuna (book #6)
    Ukulele Deadly (book #7)
    Bikinis & Bloodshed (book #8)
    Death of the Kona Man (book #9)
    Lethal Tide (book #10)
    Beachboy Murder (book #11)
    Handbags & Homicide (book #12)
    Tiaras & Terror (book #13)
    Photo Finished (book #14)
    Fatal Break (book #15)
    Death Under the Sea (book #16)
    Tidal Wave (book #17)
    Death on a Cliff (book #18)
    Hula Homicide (book #19)

    About Aloha Lagoon:

    There's trouble in paradise....

    Welcome to Aloha Lagoon, one of Hawaii's hidden treasures. A little bit of tropical paradise nestled along the coast of Kauai, this resort town boasts luxurious accommodation, friendly island atmosphere...and only a slightly higher than normal murder rate. While mysterious circumstances may be the norm on our corner of the island, we're certain that our staff and Lagoon natives will make your stay in Aloha Lagoon one you will never forget!

    ©2022 B.A. Trimmer (P)2022 B.A. Trimmer

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