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  • Hudson's Luck

  • A Forever Wilde Novel
  • De : Lucy Lennox
  • Lu par : Michael Dean
  • Durée : 9 h et 8 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Hudson's Luck

De : Lucy Lennox
Lu par : Michael Dean
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    Don't ever accidentally propose to your girlfriend. In front of her family. Especially if her dad is your boss. Because when you make it clear you've made a mistake, he's likely to send you out of the country to get you as far away from his brokenhearted daughter as possible.

    It happened to me. Now I'm stuck in Ireland trying to redeem myself so I can get promoted and have the life I've planned for: successful career, loving wife and kids, a comfortable, financially secure home life in Texas.

    But all of that seems to evaporate the moment I walk into the historic pub and see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Only, he's not a woman.

    Charlie Murray is most definitely a man - the kind of man who causes me to take a second look for the first time in my life. And a third look, and a fourth. I can't help but want to get to know him get close to him, touch him, maybe even kiss him. But I'm straight. Or so I've always thought. Even if I'm not, how in the world could a feisty Irishman ever fit into the safe, predictable life for which I've always planned?


    Don't ever accidentally fall for the straight guy. Especially when he's trying to pry your family's business right out from under you. I should know. Because when Hudson Wilde walks into my family's pub and begins babbling so adorably, I can't help but fall just a little bit in love. But I'm looking for Forever Man, and the sexy American is certainly not him. He's so confused about what he wants, even choosing something from the dinner menu throws him into a fuddle. But those can I resist?

    So maybe I’ll give in. One steamy night before he heads home and I go back to life at the pub. We'll never see each other again.

    Until, of course, his business deal sends me to Hobie, Texas, right into the middle of Hudson's steady life, more gay Wildes than can fit on a dance floor, and an ex-girlfriend who may or may not be content remaining an ex.

    But the more time I spend with Hudson, the more I think he might be my Forever Man after all. And I may be his. Is it possible we could both be so lucky?

    ©2018 Lucy Lennox (P)2018 Lucy Lennox

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