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  • How to Write a Nonfiction Book and Publish It on Amazon

  • A Complete Step-By-Step Beginner’s Guide to Writing and Publishing Your First Book—at Zero Cost
  • De : Jerry Minchey
  • Lu par : Mike Steele
  • Durée : 4 h et 30 min

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How to Write a Nonfiction Book and Publish It on Amazon

De : Jerry Minchey
Lu par : Mike Steele
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    What if I told you that you could write your first nonfiction book, publish it, and have a printed copy in your hand in 30 days, all for zero cost? You really can.

    This book shows you step-by-step how you can make it happen. It also shows you the simple steps to make your book a bestseller without spending a dime on ads.

    This book will show you:

    • How to come up with a title and subtitle that will hook the reader.
    • How to create a killer book cover.
    • How to find the most profitable keywords that will send your sales through the roof.
    • Why you don’t need an editor.
    • The five easy ways to get a ton of reviews (and reviews sell books).
    • How to publish an audiobook version for zero cost.
    • Step-by-step how to submit your book to Amazon.
    • How to get Amazon to market your book for you at no cost.
    • How to market your book without ads
    • The three things you need before you click Publish.
    • And so much more.

    Amazon best-selling author of 21 books, Jerry Minchey, shows you step-by-step how he does it. His books have received over a thousand positive reviews, and many of them have been best sellers.

    Click on the Buy Button now, and you can soon have a printed copy of your book in your hand without spending a dime.

    ©2022 Jerry Minchey (P)2022 Jerry Minchey

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