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  • How to Work in Denmark: Updated Edition

  • Tips on Finding a Job in Denmark, Succeeding in Danish Working Culture, and Understanding Your Danish Boss
  • De : Kay Xander Mellish
  • Lu par : Kay Xander Mellish
  • Durée : 3 h et 3 min

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How to Work in Denmark: Updated Edition

De : Kay Xander Mellish
Lu par : Kay Xander Mellish
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    The classic guide for people who want to work in Denmark or work with Danes, from the author of the long-running "How to Live in Denmark" podcast. Denmark is a great place to work...if you know the unwritten rules of Danish business culture. Kay Xander Mellish, an American who has been living and working in Denmark for more than 20 years, knows them well. If you're thinking of moving to Denmark to work, this audiobook is a great place to start. It has tips on job hunting in Denmark, how to find job opportunities in Denmark before you ever leave home, and how to ace a Danish job interview.

    The audiobook also takes a look a life on the job in Denmark, such as what to wear to work, whether or not you need to speak Danish to succeed, and whether or not you can date your Danish colleague. To succeed in Denmark you'll have to work the way the Danes do, with a "flat hierarchy" that gives you, as a manager, less authority over your team; you are less like a boss and more like a coach. There is also a chapter on employee benefits in Denmark, and on understanding what type of (and how much!) taxes you will pay when working in Denmark.

    Work-life balance in Denmark is excellent, and salaries are high - but Danish working culture requires initiative, imagination, and the ability to eat a great deal of cake during intra-office socializing. The book also looks at the very dry and sarcastic humor that is so much a part of the Danish character, and "Janteloven" or "The Law of Jante", the unofficial rule of mandatory equality. "How to Work in Denmark: Tips for Finding a Job, Succeeding at Work, and Understanding your Danish Boss" is a great starting point for internationals and expats who want to work in Denmark.

    ©2018, 2022 Kay Xander Mellish (P)2024 Kay Xander Mellish

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