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Couverture de How to Win at Feminism

How to Win at Feminism

De : Reductress
Lu par : Anna Drezen, Nicole Silverberg
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    Feminism is all about demanding equality and learning to love yourself. But not too much - men hate that!

    From the writers of Reductress, the subversive, satirical women's magazine read by over 2.5 million visitors a month, comes How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All - and Then Some!

    This ultimate guide to winning feminism teaches listeners how to battle the patriarchy better than everybody else. From the herstory of feminism to how to apologize for having it all, listeners will learn how to be a feminist at work and at home with tips that include:

    • How to do more with 33 cents less
    • How to be sex positive even when you're bloated
    • How to love your body even though hers is better
    • The nine circles of hell for women who don't help other women
    • Designer handbags to hold all your feminism
    • How to get catcalled for your personality

    How to Win at Feminism is a fresh take on women's rights through the lens of the funniest women in comedy today. With this book as your wo-manual, you'll shatter that glass ceiling once and for all (but you'll still need to clean up the mess).

    ©2016 Beth Newell, Sarah Pappalardo, and Anna Drezen (P)2016 HarperCollins Publishers

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