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  • How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies

  • Taking On Liberal Arguments with Logic and Humor
  • De : Will Witt
  • Lu par : Will Witt
  • Durée : 4 h et 39 min

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How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies

De : Will Witt
Lu par : Will Witt
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    Political commentator and media personality Will Witt gives young conservatives the ammunition they need to fight back against the liberal media.

    Popular culture in America today is dominated by the left. Most young people have never even heard of conservative values from someone their age, and if they do, the message is often bland and outdated. Almost every Hollywood actor, musician, media personality, and role model for young people in America rejects conservative values, and Gen Zs and millennials are quick to regurgitate these viewpoints without developing their own opinions on issues.

    So many young conservatives in America want to stand up for their beliefs in their classrooms, at their jobs, with their friends, or on social media, but they don’t have the tools to do so. In How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies, Will Witt arms Gen Zs and millennials with the knowledge and skills to combat the leftist narrative they hear every day.

    ©2021 Will Witt (P)2021 Center Street


    “When I travel around America giving lectures, one of the most frequent questions young people ask me is, ‘Do you know Will?’ Will Witt is a contemporary phenomenon - a largely self-educated man who has become a major thought leader. Read How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies and you will understand why - because that is exactly what Will does.” (Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, best-selling author, and nationally syndicated radio talk show host)

    “Will Witt uses his signature humor, deep patriotism, and understanding of our culture to fight for traditional American values that built our country. You won’t regret reading this book!” (Candace Owens, best-selling author of Blackout, founder of BLEXIT, and host of Candace)

    “Sidewalk journalist Will Witt’s new book offers an inspiring call to action for America constituted in an unwavering trust in God’s natural laws and the values of our Founding Fathers. Witt’s insight into the left’s radicalism is a powerful addition to my collection.” (James O’Keefe, founder, CEO, and chairman of Project Veritas)

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