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  • How to Wear Everything

  • De : Kay Barron
  • Durée : Indisponible

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How to Wear Everything

De : Kay Barron
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    Brought to you by Penguin.


    What we wear matters. It matters because looking, and therefore feeling, like yourself is essential. Clothes can be the difference between a good day and a bad day. Clothes have the power to make your mood ten times worse or one hundred times better.

    Clothes should give you confidence, and never make you doubt yourself.

    Whether you already have a go-to look or feel overwhelmed by choice, How to Wear Everything covers where to start, what you need and what you absolutely do not - whatever your age, body type or budget. Highlights include:

    • Mastering timeless classics that you will want to wear forever
    • What to pack and (more importantly) not pack on holiday
    • Shopping thrift and vintage like a pro
    • How to find the perfect jeans for your shape

    A fun, reassuring, no-nonsense guide, with tips and tricks from the super-stylish, including Sarah Jessica Parker, Law Roach, Monica Bellucci and Nicky Zimmermann, How to Wear Everything reveals the fashion industry's best-kept secret: getting dressed is not that hard.

    ©2024 Kay Barron (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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