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  • How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough

  • And Move On Like a Boss
  • De : Lesley Nurse
  • Lu par : Lesley Nurse
  • Durée : 1 h et 11 min

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How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough

De : Lesley Nurse
Lu par : Lesley Nurse
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    How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough is not your ordinary advice audiobook. It's a combination of self-care and relationship advice with a spiritual twist. It started with a call to action to help those coping with depression, anxiety, and codependency in relationships learn how to cope when a relationship has come to an end. As author Lesley D. Nurse continued writing, she felt inspired to add an extra layer of enlightenment. How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough is more than a guide of insight and precautions. It's a life work of self-love that took years and an intense commitment to achieve.

    How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough helps shorten the time for others to focus on yielding better results in the future and more importantly, within. Often, we crave to get to the journey and frown about the steps that we first must take. We skip the not-so-pretty parts of what causes us to disconnect in love. Even if no one has seen you when you have experienced anxiety, it shows up in your relationship in other ways.

    Some of these ways have brought more hurt than you ever intended, and it's time and possible to fix the pain. How to Turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough lacks fluff, but it makes up with sound advice about getting over a breakup and moving on like a boss.

    Get ready to be inspired and take in sound advice like a breath of fresh air.

    ©2021 Lesley D. Nurse (P)2022 Lesley D. Nurse

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