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Couverture de How to Think Like Jesus

How to Think Like Jesus

De : Gregory Gibson
Lu par : Gregory Gibson
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    With the polarization of every issue under the sun, along with the platform of social media, tensions have never been greater concerning issues of cultural engagement. In How to Think Like Jesus, Gregory Gibson argues that Christians need to move away from legalism and stop dividing over tertiary issues.

    Gibson states, “Swimming in the ocean of legalism is like swimming in the kid area, or kiddy pool, at your local neighborhood swimming pool. You can never really get fully under the water. The water comes up to your knees (if that). You are surrounded by other children. And the water is probably full of urine. This is what legalism is like. You only get a taste of grace, and it is still a marred, fake taste. You only get a small, fake taste of the true swimming pool, or a slight taste of the fullness of that ocean."

    In this audiobook, Gibson provides a theological framework for How to Think Like Jesus on tertiary issues of culture, with an urgency placed on Christian unity and maturity.

    “We have drawn the cultural engagement dividing lines in the concrete. It is time to zoom out from the urgency of our day, engage in a redemptive way, and learn again how to think like Jesus.”

    ©2022 Gregory Gibson (P)2022 Gregory Gibson

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