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  • How to Survive Ghosts, Strippers and Weekending Sisters

  • A Delia Sanchez Mystery
  • De : Diana K. C. Gill
  • Lu par : Jody Lebel
  • Durée : 6 h et 48 min

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How to Survive Ghosts, Strippers and Weekending Sisters

De : Diana K. C. Gill
Lu par : Jody Lebel
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    Private investigator Delia Sanchez is back in the fourth exciting installment of the highly acclaimed cozy mystery series. And Delia’s newest case is her toughest yet.

    Formerly with the LAPD, Delia is now the overstressed hospitality manager of the charmingly haunted Loring Boutique Hotel. Seven months pregnant, she receives worrisome news from her obstetrician on the same day her vacationing sisters are arrested for murdering a male stripper. Dropping everything, Delia and her fiancé, Gabe, rush to their rescue, driving up the California coast in his classic Mercedes to Spa Town, a resort on Brimley Bay.

    Immediately embroiled in untangling the grisly killing, Delia must navigate a hostile sheriff, local drug trafficking, and exotic dancers, all while dealing with a pregnancy that is testing her professionally and personally in unforeseen ways.

    Using her ex-cop talents, with assistance from new allies, a psychic friend, and her two meddlesome sisters, each brings Delia closer to finding the Spa Town killer. In between, she takes advantage of the facilities to pamper her exhausted body with much-needed facials, mud baths, and massages.

    She narrows her suspect list…but can she find the killer be-fore she winds up with cucumber slices over her eyes in one of Spa Town’s therapy rooms…permanently?

    ©2023 Palmetto Publishing (P)2023 Palmetto Publishing

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