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  • How to Succeed in Your Life

  • Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms
  • De : Saint Pennyfeather
  • Lu par : Charlie Burts
  • Durée : 3 h et 18 min

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How to Succeed in Your Life

De : Saint Pennyfeather
Lu par : Charlie Burts
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    Tips and Tactics on How to Improve Relationships

    Do you have a difficult time communicating?

    Do you often feel lonely or misunderstood?

    Are you looking for new ways to improve your relationships?

    If you answered yes, then this is the book for you.

    There are many important relationships in a person's life: the one you have with your partner, your relationship with your family, and professional relationships that can strengthen and benefit your career. While you may think that these relationships are developed on their own, they're actually something that you can improve. This book will help you improve relationships in every stage of your life and give you the tools you need to communicate. By listening and following the advice in this book, you'll learn how to communicate with ease, get along with your loved ones, and have a more productive business life!

    • Improve your family relations
    • Get along with friends
    • Communicate effectively at work
    • Deal with your partner
    • And much, much more!


    • Relationship Tips: Whether you are single, dating, married, or a parent, this book will help you improve your relationships.
    • Small Stories: To make it more intuitive, we have added small stories to the book.
    • Roleplaying: Roleplaying strategy is also given in this book to make you more confident.
    • Easy to Understand: This book is written in a way that anyone can understand. The author has written it in a way that it can be listened to in any order, and you can skip around if you wish to.

    So grab a copy today and start improving your relationships!

    ©2022 Abhishek Chhatrola (P)2022 Abhishek Chhatrola

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