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  • How to Stitch an American Dream

  • A Story of Family, Faith and the Power of Giving
  • De : Jenny Doan
  • Lu par : Jenny Doan
  • Durée : 5 h et 20 min

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How to Stitch an American Dream

De : Jenny Doan
Lu par : Jenny Doan
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    Read by the author.

    Faith, family, hard work, and second chances are at the core of every great American story, and Jenny Doan’s story is just that.

    In Jenny Doan's new memoir, How to Stitch an American Dream, listeners will discover the behind-the-scenes success story of the Missouri Star Quilt Company and Jenny’s remarkable journey to overcome hardship, claim the abundance of family, and ignite the power of giving - all while revitalizing a small town along the way.

    Over the last decade, the Doan family business, the Missouri Star Quilt Company in tiny Hamilton, Missouri, has grown from Jenny’s corner shop - with one quilting machine and two bolts of fabric for sale in the back - to become the largest supplier of pre-cut quilting fabric in the headquarters of Jenny’s world-famous YouTube tutorial videos.

    Jenny is now giving her fans, the business world, and moms of all ages (and grandmas too!) what they’ve been asking for: the full story of her journey, from her humble beginnings as a homeschooling mom, to founding MSQC in her 50s, through the remarkable success and inspiration she’s so well-known for today. In this book, you’ll learn:

    • How she and her beloved husband, Ron, raised seven children on a shoestring budget - and had fun doing it
    • How, after a string of bad luck, the family made a prayer-based decision to leave California behind and start over again in rural Missouri, even though they had no place to live, no jobs lined up, and no idea how they were going to make it
    • How Jenny, Ron, and their children worked side by side to patch together a family home out of a crumbling shell of a farmhouse
    • And how their faith, hard work, and generosity not only carried them through the hard times, but led directly to the success of the Missouri Star Quilt Company

    How to Stitch an American Dream will make you laugh, cry, and say “bless your heart”.

    Accompanying recipes are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Jenny Doan (P)2021 Harper Horizon

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