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How to Start a Business on Your Kitchen Table

De : Shann Nix Jones
Lu par : Shann Nix Jones
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    Practical tools, expert advice, and innovative ideas to help you create a successful business that reflects your values, supports your lifestyle, and creates real fulfillment.

    In 2014, in her farmhouse kitchen in Wales, Shann Nix Jones started to manufacture a relatively unknown probiotic goat's milk called kefir. It was a powerful healing remedy that cured her son's eczema and even saved her husband from a life-threatening MRSA infection. Today, the business she started on her kitchen table has 300,000 customers and an annual turnover of £4.5 million.

    In this audiobook, Shann shares the innovative methods that helped her turn her passion into a sustainable business. Following these steps, you'll learn how to:

    • Develop an idea into a viable business that supports any lifestyle
    • Operate with meaningful values and stand out from the competition
    • Convert every obstacle into a launch pad
    • Balance work and family - and even weave both together to enhance your family life

    Shann believes that anyone can start a business following her 13 steps and that doing so can bring you closer to creating a life in which you are the CEO of your business and your destiny.

    ©2020 Shann Nix Jones (P)2020 Hay House

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