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  • How to Start Meditation

  • A Complete Guide to a Successful Meditation and Mindfulness Practice for Beginners and Children
  • De : Johnny Dose
  • Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
  • Durée : 3 h et 51 min

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How to Start Meditation

De : Johnny Dose
Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
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    Are you interested in learning the art of meditation?

    Are you a novice to this ancient ability?

    Would you like an audiobook that helps you to understand the basics and build a solid platform to then expand your knowledge?

    Meditation is thousands of years old and has been practiced by some of the world’s great religions and many individuals, as a way of focusing the mind on a particular problem or issue. Nowadays meditation has been seen as something that can help with issues like stress and anxiety, or simply to clam and relax the mind in a hectic world.

    In this audiobook, How to Start Meditation, you will discover the secrets to meditating for yourself, with in-depth and informative sections that include:

    • What meditation is
    • Some common misconceptions
    • The different styles of meditation
    • Taming your mind and putting chaos in order
    • Practical tips for understanding the mind
    • Meditation and Mindfulness for children
    • Health benefits of meditation
    • Mindfulness meditation
    • And much more...

    With clear and practical instructions for you to follow, How to Start Meditation is an audiobook that is ideal for beginners, but which will also teach those who already practice it something new as well.

    ©2019 Johnny Dose (P)2020 Johnny Dose

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