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Couverture de How to Solve Murders Like a Lady

How to Solve Murders Like a Lady

De : Hannah Dolby
Lu par : Antonia Beamish
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    Violet Hamilton is no ordinary lady…

    She is a Lady Detective, who spends her time solving mysteries and unveiling scandals in the bustling seaside town of Hastings and St Leonards, a popular spot for the Victorian middle classes.

    But when the body of a local woman is found on the beach, Violet’s efforts to investigate are blocked at every turn.

    Is that because, as a woman, she can’t possibly be allowed to think or act for herself? Or is it because someone sinister has Violet in their sights?

    Jane Austen meets Sherlock Holmes in this delightful mystery of manners that will steal your heart, and transport you to a world of seaside scandal and moonlit balls; dubious doctors and duplicitous crooked lords; adventurous escapades and stolen kisses.

    ©2024 Hannah Dolby (P)2024 Head of Zeus


    'Hannah Dolby's second novel is as warm, witty and wonderful as her first. Violet is the perfect blend of determination, innocence and cheekiness. I'd definitely want her services if I had a crime that needed investigating' (Kathleen Whyman)

    'The unstoppable Violet does it again! Unperturbed by social graces, murder and even baby goats, Dolby's character delights with winsome wit and intuition. A fabulous read' (M J Robotham)

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