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  • How to Safely Use Psilocybin Mushrooms & Their Medicinal, Spiritual and Societal Benefits

  • An All Inclusive Book on the Medicinal, Spiritual and Societal Benefits of Psychedelic Magic Mushrooms
  • De : Alan Alpert
  • Lu par : Eren Jaeger
  • Durée : 3 h et 32 min

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How to Safely Use Psilocybin Mushrooms & Their Medicinal, Spiritual and Societal Benefits

De : Alan Alpert
Lu par : Eren Jaeger
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    Psilocybin mushrooms are a safe way to treat a wide range of medical conditions, connect us with the universe on a spiritual level, and significantly improve the world we live in!

    Are you aware that psilocybin mushrooms are a safe way to treat a wide range of medical conditions like depression, OCD, PTSD, anxiety, cluster headaches, and addictions of all kinds?

    Did you know that psilocybin mushrooms are the first mind-altering drugs ever consumed by humans?

    What can we learn from ancient civilizations who considered psilocybin mushrooms to be the food of the gods?

    Are you aware that psilocybin regenerates neural tissue and repairs the brain on a structural level by triggering BDNF secretion?

    Did you know that the FDA has approved using psilocybin to treat depression if all other treatment options have been exhausted?

    Were you aware that psilocybin mushrooms have been used by countless individuals to find a spiritual connection with the universe?

    Psilocybin mushrooms have the potential to change the foundation of society to one where people are empathetic and don’t focus entirely on material possessions. 

    With profound impacts on treating medical conditions, the demand for magic mushrooms is on the rise.

    No matter how much you know about the benefits of psilocybin mushrooms, this book will give you a detailed look at the past, present, and future of the connection between humans and psilocybin.

    In How to Safely Use Psilocybin Mushrooms & Their Medicinal, Spiritual, and Societal Benefits, you’ll discover:

    • The history of psilocybin mushroom consumption worldwide, highlighted by the Mayans, Aztecs, and the Egyptians
    • Why psilocybin works as a treatment option for medical conditions from a scientific standpoint
    • Study after study that analyzes the healing potential of psilocybin
    • How to consume psilocybin mushrooms for the desired experience, from microdosing to consuming a heroic dose
    • What conditions psilocybin is known to treat and the future of psilocybin in the medical industry
    • Anecdotal testimonials of users who used psilocybin to treat medical conditions and find a spiritual connection
    • The potential that psilocybin offers society if given the chance through mainstream adoption

    And much more!

    Psilocybin mushrooms are here to help us; all we have to do is allow them to work their magic.

    A world where everyone has access to psilocybin mushrooms without legal or social consequences is a world worth living in!

    If you want to know more about the potential of psilocybin mushrooms as a medicine, spiritual guide, and societal breakthrough, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now."

    ©2022 William Bennett (P)2022 William Bennett

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