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  • How to: Master 10 Sentence Patterns in Chinese

  • Learning Chinese Through Massive Practice
  • De : Letitia Wu
  • Lu par : Letitia Wu
  • Durée : 2 h et 21 min

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How to: Master 10 Sentence Patterns in Chinese

De : Letitia Wu
Lu par : Letitia Wu
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    Welcome to How to: Master 10 Sentence Patterns in Chinese! This is an audio version of the same-named video course.

    Your dedication to learning a new language, which I admire as your instructor, is greatly appreciated!

    When it comes to learning Chinese, this course is ideal for those who are completely new to the language, or those who have learned a few basic phrases like "ni hao (hello)."

    What is the most critical aspect of mastering a foreign language?

    It all comes down to practice!

    Massive practice is the best way to learn Chinese. This is what we'll be doing in this course as well.

    • You will practice saying the new words and expressions over and over again until you are confident in your ability to pronounce them correctly in our course.
    • In order to make sure you fully understand the sentence patterns, you'll have plenty of opportunities to put what you've learned to use right away. As a result, you'll know if you've grasped the information correctly.
    • We'll do a lot of testing to make sure you've mastered all of the vocabulary and expressions.

    After learning this course:

    • You will master 10 common Chinese sentence patterns.
    • You will have a good understanding of the fundamental structure of Chinese sentences.
    • You will be able to correctly pronounce and use Chinese words and expressions.

    So if you are a complete beginner in Chinese, get the course right away, and I will be there to help you.

    ©2021 Letitia Wu (P)2021 Letitia Wu

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