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  • How to Manage and Master Your Anxiety

  • 8 Simple Steps to Improve Memory and Depression, Calm Your Phobias & Fears, and Connect Your Mind & Body
  • De : S Q Summers
  • Lu par : Sandy Carpenter
  • Durée : 3 h et 38 min

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How to Manage and Master Your Anxiety

De : S Q Summers
Lu par : Sandy Carpenter
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    Turn on the light switch to end your negative self-talk forever!

    Even when it seems like the world is against you, there is always a way to find hope through self-help.

    Within this guide, you will discover useful tools and hacks for taking back your power and handling the thoughts that make you feel like someone less than perfect and worthy.

    Inside, here is a fraction of what you will discover:

    • How to break down your fears and build positive intentions to reduce anxiety and live life to the fullest.
    • CBT techniques to help overcome depressive thoughts and allow yourself time off from self-pity.
    • How to use affirmations to raise your self over self-esteem when struggling with weight management.
    • How to refine hand-eye coordination and mediate to boost your memory and avoid memory disorders down the road.
    • How to do mirror work to fall in love with your body and strengthen your mind-body connection.
    • Why understanding the mind-body connection can help you live a healthier and happier life.
    • How to change negative thoughts into positive ones until it becomes a natural reflex-be able to deal with any everyday situation with ease.
    • And much more!

    This guidebook is filled with advice and tips that will help you get on the path to recovery.

    ©2023 Sharyn Claypool (P)2023 Sharyn Claypool

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