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How to Make Meetings Not Suck

De : Jonathan Vehar, Cathi Brese Doebler
Lu par : Jonathan Vehar, Cathi Brese Doebler
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    A 2014 Harris Poll involving over 2000 people found that almost half of the respondents indicated that they would rather do any unpleasant activity (e.g. go to the Department of Motor Vehicles) than attend a project “status meeting.”

    A recent survey by found that “too many meetings” was rated the number one time-waster in the office by 47% of respondents. One analysis estimates that the cost of meetings in the US alone is $1.4 trillion per year, equaling close to 10% of the US GDP.

    Every day in the US there are fifty-five million meetings, and a substantial percentage of them are inefficient time-wasters. To address this problem of meetings that suck, this book is designed to be a practical guide for managers and leaders who want to maximize the effectiveness of time spent with their teams and colleagues.

    This book will help you improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the meetings that you run.

    • Status meetings
    • Tactical meetings
    • Strategic planning meetings
    • Problem-solving meetings
    • Project team meetings
    • Informational meetings
    • Social connection meetings

    This easy-to-understand practical guidebook is focused on mindset, skillset and toolset for running meetings with step-by-step guides on various techniques.

    The authors are both trainers at the world-renowned Center for Creative Leadership where they work with senior executives to help them be more effective in their leadership. They’ve worked with teams and executives at companies like Subaru, T. Rowe Price, NASA, and the US Joint Special Forces University.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Jonathan Vehar and Cathi Brese Doebler (P)2024 G&D Media

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