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  • How to Love Yourself, Be Happy with Your Life, and Heal Negative Thoughts: Positive Thinking to Change Your Mind About Your Problems

  • Self-Help and Personal Development Books, Book 2
  • De : Samuel C. A.
  • Lu par : Dan Hamel
  • Durée : 2 h

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How to Love Yourself, Be Happy with Your Life, and Heal Negative Thoughts: Positive Thinking to Change Your Mind About Your Problems

De : Samuel C. A.
Lu par : Dan Hamel
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    This audiobook will usher you into a new phase of life where you ooze happiness and contentment without trying too hard!

    The fact that you are here is evidence that you’ve come to this realization that you need to heal from inside to be truly happy but you have all manner of questions going through your mind on how to make it work.

    • Perhaps you are wondering:
    • How exactly can I achieve authentic happiness that does not leave me feeling empty?
    • Why do I always seem to go back to the negative ways I desperately want to overcome?
    • Is it possible to alter my mind to deal with life better?
    • How do I let go of negativity and embrace positivity?
    • If these are some of the questions bogging down your mind, this book will answer them and more, so keep reading.

    In this audiobook, you will discover:

    • Shutting off that inner critic that holds you back from being your best, authentic self
    • Tips on moving out of your comfort zone regardless of what others may think
    • How to go about assessing your relationships with the people around you and building mutually-nurturing relationships
    • How to build a safe space in your mind and your environment where you can grow without any limits
    • Practical tips on how to beat negativity, including temporary pleasure exercises
    • And so much more!
    ©2023 Samuel John Books (P)2023 Samuel John Books

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