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Couverture de How to Know

How to Know

De : Stephen Clark
Lu par : Ryan Forkel
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    I think of my book as an unabridged Bible tract. Approximately 40 percent of it is Scripture. Unlike the pocket "pray the Romans road" versions, I tried to invest more explanation into those verses which point us to salvation. I give my book out to cult members that knock on my front door, co-workers, and neighbors who are atheists or come from other religions, and others in my life who do not profess Christ as their Savior. Unlike the small Bible tracts, I also devoted a considerable part of this book for the true-believer Child of Christ who is struggling with assurance of their Salvation. I didn't write this book to make a penny. 

    This audiobook is a tool for my mission field. How blessed to meet a brother or sister in Christ one day in eternity who came to the saving knowledge of Christ having read this tract. I hope to sow the Gospel seeds and pray the Spirit of God will bring forth the increase.

    ©2017 Stephen Clark (P)2021 Stephen Clark

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