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  • How to Kiss the Universe

  • An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative About Human Origin, Essence and Destiny
  • De : Jozef Simkovic
  • Lu par : John Steele
  • Durée : 10 h et 16 min

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How to Kiss the Universe

De : Jozef Simkovic
Lu par : John Steele
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    How to Kiss the Universe describes the shocking spiritual trips of a journalist from his physical body all the way to the source of everything. These trips were powered by intention, love, and gratitude. This original and unique narrative is based on deep breakthrough meditations using modern technology. The book challenges traditional paradigms of the essence of human consciousness as portrayed either by science or religion. It recounts using not only biological physical bodies as vehicles, but also a variety of non-physical vehicles in other dimensions. The story covers all possible aspects of human consciousness which can travel without limits beyond local space and time. It details instant spiritual travels by the speed of thought throughout, and even out of the known universe. This non-fiction book, written in an exciting and entertaining fiction style describes sophisticated ways of relating to higher beings, like spirit guides and star friends who reside in non-physical realms. This is done by using non-verbal communication beyond the human senses.

    The narrative can help you find answers for your long-asked questions about the purpose of your life on this planet and about your spiritual past, present, and future. This true story will help you get rid of unnecessary conditioning and fears about your death and afterlife. You can learn from the narrative how you can conquer your ego and unleash your unimaginable internal powers. That can help you gain new unexpected internal freedoms and become a happier and more compassionate human being. 

    ©2018 Jozef Simkovic (P)2019 Jozef Simkovic


    "The author of this book invites us to join him on a fascinating journey into the non-physical. He encourages the reader to venture into a world that includes profound messages from his guides, an unexpected romance and noteworthy past life encounters. The colorful imagery is delightful, and the charismatic personalities will keep you intrigued page after page. This is a well written narrative packed with wisdom and substance inviting us to release the ego and embrace our own internal power. I appreciate his emphasis on having a “clear mind, clear heart and clear intention.” Whether you want to know more about The Monroe Institute and their programs, or you want to read about the potential of your own spiritual journey, this is a book that I would recommend." (William Buhlman, author) 

    "How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative About Human Origin, Essence and Destiny is a work of non-fiction in the spirituality subgenre. It is intended for the general adult audience owing to its complex philosophical themes and the occasional use of strong language and was penned by author Jozef Simkovic with audiobook narration in this format provided by John Steele. In this eye-opening work filled with revelations and insight into the purpose of life and the universe around us, the audience is introduced to the real-life journey of a journalist, leaving his physical body, and traveling by consciousness alone. What results is a fascinating take on spirituality that the curious will not want to miss." (K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite)

    "The questions a person asks will tell you much about them. How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative About Human Origin, Essence, and Destiny by Jozef Simkovic shares the metaphysical world with the reader. Some may believe this book is fictional and describes Jozef’s flights of fancy. Jozef admits that he writes in a fictional style, but he asserts that his adventures to other realms are true. If one listens to this book and follows Jozef’s techniques, he claims you too can experience the exciting spiritual world. After listening with an open mind, you can judge for yourself whether Jozef’s writing is worth considering or is a collection of nonsense." (Philip Van Heusen for Readers’ Favorite)

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