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How to Help Your Anxious Teen

De : Jessica Thompson
Lu par : Jessica Thompson
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    If your son or daughter is suffering from anxiety, you probably have more questions than answers: What is causing the anxiety? Is this normal teenage angst or something more serious? What can I do to help?

    Jessica Thompson, the mother of three teens, has seen kids struggle with anxiousness. She wants you to understand the issues surrounding teenage anxiety and how our culture, the church, and perhaps even you may be contributing to the problem. 

    The culture tells kids that it's not okay to be normal, that social media is vital to their well-being, and that athletic, academic, and other accolades are all-important. The church, though well-intentioned, sometimes places undue pressure on teens to "do big things for God" and "be the best Christian you can be." Caring parents may inadvertently overcorrect their teens' behavior and try to control it ("helicopter parenting"). They may also use their kids' accomplishments to build their own identity or try to be their children's best friend. But there is help and hope for you and your teenager. When you equip yourself with truth from the gospel and the rest of God's Word, you can help your child to cope with anxiety, and your family can experience greater freedom and peace.

    ©2019 Jessica Thompson (P)2019 eChristian

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