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  • How to Have a Successful Marriage

  • 20 Rules for First Year of Your Marriage by Dean Talib
  • De : Dean Talib
  • Lu par : Christin Reinmuth
  • Durée : 2 h et 2 min

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How to Have a Successful Marriage

De : Dean Talib
Lu par : Christin Reinmuth
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    Are you about to embark on the most exciting journey of your life called marriage? Or maybe you've already said, "I do," and now you're navigating through the first year together? Either way, marriage can be both thrilling and daunting, especially in the beginning. That's why you need a guide, and How to Have a Successful Marriage: 20 Rules for the First Year of Your Marriage, by Dean Talib, is the roadmap you've been searching for!

    Skip the complicated theories and buzzwords. This book provides actionable, easy-to-understand advice for real-world challenges. From mastering communication and emotional intimacy to setting boundaries and handling finances as a team, these 20 indispensable rules offer a 360-degree view of a successful marriage. Think of it as the ultimate playbook for marital bliss.

    Why Choose This Book?

    • Written by an experienced marriage counselor, Dean Talib.
    • Actionable advice that you can apply instantly.
    • Covers all facets of marital life, leaving no room for guesswork.
    • No fluff, just real strategies for real challenges.
    • Essential for newlyweds and those planning to tie the knot.

    Don't leave your marital happiness to chance. Arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to build a lasting, fulfilling relationship from Day 1.

    Chapter 1: Say "I Do" Every Day
    Chapter 2: The Gratitude Journal
    Chapter 3: The Love Bank
    Chapter 4: Speak Their Love Language
    Chapter 5: Fight Fair
    Chapter 6: The Weekly Date Night
    Chapter 7: Setting Boundaries
    Chapter 8: Team Up on Finances
    Chapter 9: The Art of Compromise
    Chapter 10: Listen Before Speaking
    Chapter 11: Shared Goals, Shared Journey
    Chapter 12: The "Us" Rituals
    Chapter 13: Keep the In-Laws in Check
    Chapter 14: Celebrate Small Wins
    Chapter 15: Me Time is Okay
    Chapter 16: Communication is a Two-Way Street
    Chapter 17: Emotional Intimacy
    Chapter 18: Keep the Bedroom Alive
    Chapter 19: The Annual Check-Up
    Chapter 20: Grow Old, But Never Grow Apart

    ©2023 FAR Media Digital (P)2023 FAR Media Digital

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