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  • How to Have Meaningful Relationships

  • Survive the Modern World
  • De : Emma Power
  • Lu par : Emma Power
  • Durée : 3 h et 8 min

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How to Have Meaningful Relationships

De : Emma Power
Lu par : Emma Power
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    How to Have Meaningful Relationships is an essential guide for anyone who wants to build healthy, happy and sustainable relationships with the people in their lives. Relationships skills are not innate, they are skills to be learned. This guide provides useful tools, ideas and checklists to help you become the very best team player you can be. By the end of this book you will have all the tools you need to live a life of extraordinary relationships, deep fulfilment, intimacy, connection and meaning.

    From practising self-love to dealing with conflict in a healthy and productive way, relationships coach Emma Power shows us how we can begin to cultivate meaningful connections with those in our lives, how we can have conversations that really matter and how we can set healthy boundaries. Through listening, you will begin to discover your unique fundamental needs and learn how to navigate different relationship dynamics, whether that be with your partner, friend, parent or colleague. Throughout the book there are inspirational quotes as well as activities and questions to ponder.

    How to Have Meaningful Relationships is relatable, inspiring, contemporary and essential for anyone who is craving deep and meaningful connections.

    The Survive the Modern World series tackles big subjects in a fun and digestible way. The tone is frank and chatty, but the content is comprehensive. Upskill and expand your knowledge with these accessible guides.

    ©2022 Emma Power (P)2022 Audible, Ltd

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