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Couverture de How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies

How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies

De : Therese A. Rando
Lu par : Vicki-Jo Eva
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    Living Life While Navigating the Death of a Loved One

    If you recently lost a loved one, How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies is the lifeline you are seeking. Dr. Therese A. Rando’s compassionate and comprehensive guide will help you navigate the storm and find your way back to solid ground.

    Whether dealing with sudden loss or mourning a long-anticipated passing, this book acknowledges that each person’s journey through grief is unique. It equips its listeners with the tools to understand and address their grief, communicate with children about death, attend to any unfinished business, and find support and other resources to help them move forward with their lives.

    Dr. Rando emphasizes the importance of self-care and encourages the acceptance of appropriate help and support from others. She provides practical strategies for managing grief during difficult times like the holidays, for planning funerals, and for creating meaningful personal rituals.

    First published in the late 1980s, Dr. Rando’s book is an enduring guide to the psychological, social, physical, spiritual, and practical aspects of loss. With decades of clinical experience and international acclaim, she is a leading expert on the grieving process. While this guide is intended for people who have lost a loved one, it is also a resource for carers, or anyone else, who wish to support someone navigating the path of bereavement. In the face of loss, this book is not just about surviving, but about living—truly and fully.

    This audio edition of How to Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies is masterfully narrated by Vicki-Jo Eva.

    ©1991 Therese Rando. Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    ©1991 Therese A. Rando (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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