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How to Get a Meeting with Anyone

De : Stu Heinecke, Jay Conrad Levinson - foreword
Lu par : Christopher Lane
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    The hard part just got easy.

    You know how to sell - that's your job, after all - but getting CEOs and other VIPs to call you back is the tricky part.

    So what if that impossible-to-reach person weren't so impossible to reach after all?

    Hall of fame-nominated marketer and Wall Street Journal cartoonist Stu Heinecke discovered that he could get past traditional gatekeepers and reach those elusive executives by thinking outside the box and using personalized approaches that he calls "contact campaigns". Including presidents, a prime minister, celebrities, countless CEOs, and even the Danish model who later became his wife, Heinecke found that getting meetings with previously unreachable people was easier than ever.

    In How to Get a Meeting with Anyone, Heinecke explains how you can use your own creative contact campaigns to get those critical conversations. He divulges methods he's developed after years of experience and from studying the secrets of others who've had similar breakthrough results - results that other marketers considered impossible, with response rates as high as 100 percent; ROI in the tens, even thousands of percent; and costs per contact ranging from $0 to $10,000. Through real-life success stories, Heinecke lays out nearly two dozen categories of contact campaigns that anyone can research and execute. Tactics range from running a contact letter as a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal to unorthodox uses of social media, the phone, email, and snail mail to using his own cartoons to make connections. He also packs in plenty of tips on how to determine your targets, how to develop pitches, and how to gain allies in your contact's circle of influence.

    How to Get a Meeting with Anyone provides you with a new toolkit you can put to work for you right away, so you can make the connections that are essential to your success.

    ©2016 Stu Heinecke (P)2015 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved.

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