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Couverture de How to Gain Nothing from Buddhist Practice

How to Gain Nothing from Buddhist Practice

De : Darren Littlejohn
Lu par : Diane Neigebauer
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    This is a how-to book. Do you feel frustrated with spiritual books that are complicated and confusing with too many strange terms? Then this is the book for you! This book will tell you everything that you need to know to get started with Buddhist practice. It includes practice instructions in each chapter to deepen your experience with the teachings. It's a complete guidebook for individuals, groups, beginners and experienced meditators alike, and is the perfect complement to an existing practice.

    What will you learn from this book? Learn how to alleviate suffering in the physical body as well as your emotional and mental life. Everything is explained in simple, clear language. Find answers to questions about the causes of suffering and loneliness. Learn a variety of different meditations so your practice is never boring. Included are sample practice sessions for you to try. The book is also suitable for small-group practice, recovery meetings, and yoga classes. Includes glossary and resources.

    Have you ever wondered how to find a good teacher or if you really need one? This book will tell you how. Ultimately, there is nothing to gain. We are complete beings. But still, we suffer. The Buddha taught us how to free ourselves so that we can relax deeply in a way we never dreamed possible. The author has decades of experience applying these principles in his own life, recovery and practice. With what you learn in this book you will be confident as you explore other teachings and paths.

    ©2016 Darren Littlejohn (P)2016 Darren Littlejohn

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