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  • How to Fix Your Credit Score

  • Repair and Improve Your Score Easily & Quickly. Repair Your Report, Remove Bad Credit and Improve Your Financial Situation.
  • De : Reginald J. Kunz
  • Lu par : Angela Clark
  • Durée : 3 h et 46 min

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How to Fix Your Credit Score

De : Reginald J. Kunz
Lu par : Angela Clark
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    Boost your credit score and save money for the rest of your life!

    People are getting more and more dependent on credit cards. Some use them to afford the lifestyle of their dreams, while others need them to make ends meet. In fact, 15 percent of US households reported spending more than they received in income, and nearly one in five Americans say that they depend on credit cards to cover basic living expenses. It’s no wonder that you’re probably worried about your credit score.

    Your credit score is a number that may look obscure to you, but banks look at it to decide if it’s safe to lend you money. If they don’t see significant risks, they’ll offer you better interest rates. This is why having a good credit score will save you tens of thousands of dollars in your lifetime.

    But how do you maintain a good credit score? And if your credit score is already ruined, how do you fix it again?

    This book will teach you everything you need to know about your credit score, including expert tips and strategies for improving it quickly.

    Here’s what you’ll learn from this audiobook:

    • The factors that make up your credit score
    • The great myth of credit scoring debunked
    • Steps to file a successful 609 dispute letter and fix errors in your credit reports
    • Surprising habits that will boost your credit score in 30 days
    • Expert tips for dealing with large credit card debt

    Improving your credit score may require quite a bit of work, but it’s perfectly doable, especially if you follow the advice given in this book. You’ll be surprised by how much money you’ll save on a regular basis!

    Minimize your debt, improve your credit score, and afford a better life. Scroll up and click on the "buy now" button right now!

    ©2019 Reginald J. Kunz (P)2020 Reginald J. Kunz

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