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  • How to Find Your Passion and Purpose

  • Four Easy Steps to Discover a Job You Want and Live the Life You Love (The Art of Living, Book 1)
  • De : Cassandra Gaisford
  • Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
  • Durée : 58 min

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How to Find Your Passion and Purpose

De : Cassandra Gaisford
Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
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    Focus your energy and time to achieve outstanding personal and professional results with absolute certainty and excitement.

    What if you could increase your success, health, and happiness with a few simple steps? How would your life be different if you had more energy, motivation, confidence, and self-belief? What if you could hit your business, personal, and financial targets easily? Imagine waking up every morning looking forward to your day, working and living with purpose, passion, and profit.

    Amazon best-selling author of Mid-Life Career Rescue and award-winning artist Cassandra Gaisford provides simple but powerful and easy to implement ways to find your passion and purpose. Based on survey research, personal achievements, and her professional expertise and success as a career and life coach helping people achieve outstanding results - including lawyers, teachers, back-to-work moms, accountants, school leavers, and creative entrepreneurs - Gaisford answers the question: how to find your destiny and follow your bliss.

    In How to Find Your Passion and Purpose: Four Easy Steps to Discover a Job You Want and Live the Life You Love, you’ll learn:

    • Why successful people follow their passion, not their pension
    • How to identify your real priorities
    • How working with passion can cure many modern-day ills - depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and boredom
    • How passion and purpose reduces stress
    • How to be happy and successful
    • How to double your productivity effortlessly
    • How to boost your self-esteem and super-charge the confidence needed to make an inspired change
    • How to change jobs and find a career you will enjoy, including self-employment
    • How to discover your signature gifts and talents and confirm your work-related strengths
    • How identifying your PPT will increase profit, peace, and prosperity
    • Bonus: Find Your Passion Workbook
    • Bonus: Living with Purpose Workbook
    • Bonus: Making Decisions and Choosing Your Best-Fit Career Workbook

    If you’re like many people who don’t know what they are passionate about or what gives your life meaning and purpose, this audiobook will help provide the answers.

    If you have been told it’s not realistic to work and live with passion, this audiobook will help change your mindset.

    If you’re too busy, too tired, too stressed out to read a lengthy book, this concise guide comes to your rescue.

    Quit just existing and start really living!

    Listen to this audiobook now to start achieving outstanding personal and professional results with absolute certainty and excitement.

    ©2019 Cassandra Gaisford (P)2019 Cassandra Gaisford

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