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How to Find Love?

De : Hernán Leal Barrientos
Lu par : Will Stauf
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    Are you looking for a partner? Do you feel a little lost because the world has changed since the last time you asked someone out? Do you take them from relationship to relationship and none of them really satisfies you? Did you have a bad experience and are you afraid of falling in love again? Has the pandemic destroyed your social life? Did you open an account on a dating app, but nothing good has come of it? Do you have problems in your relationship and want to make it work? This book is definitely for you.

    Hernán Leal has written a practical and fun guide to help his listeners find the love they are looking for. Throughout the book, they will learn to develop strategies to attract the right people, to behave on dates so that both have a good time, to focus on what really matters, to take the necessary precautions so as not to end up with a broken heart, and, most importantly, to build valuable relationships: safe, reciprocal, loving, and happy.

    ©2022 Hernán Leal (P)2022 Hernán Leal

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