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Couverture de How to Do Clairvoyant Aura Reading

How to Do Clairvoyant Aura Reading

De : James David Rockefeller
Lu par : Graham King
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    Have you ever been able to witness a glow around another person? Have you ever looked into a mirror and seen a field of energy surrounding your body? If so, you have already witnessed an aura.

    In the field of intuition medicine, this field of energy, simply called an aura, is believed to shield and protect your subtle, non-physical body. The aura appears like a glow around your physical body. It protects your energy system from the harmful effects of the environment. You will notice an aura around every living being.

    The health and well-being of your aura will determine how happy, joyful, and peaceful you feel mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It also affects the health of your physical body. If your aura is unhealthy, it will begin to have a negative effect on various aspects of your life. This is why you need to cleanse and heal your aura regularly to keep the energy flowing uninterruptedly and to keep yourself protected.

    This audiobook will help you learn about auras, teaching you how to read the aura and heal it for a healthier and more joyful you.

    ©2017 James David Rockefeller (P)2017 James David Rockefeller

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