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Couverture de How to Develop Your Psychic Gifts

How to Develop Your Psychic Gifts

De : Maryann Dimarco
Lu par : Maryann Dimarco
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    Explore new dimensions of self-awareness and spiritual insight with How to Develop Your Psychic Gifts, an engaging audio experience guided by renowned psychic medium, author, healer, and spiritual teacher, MaryAnn DiMarco.
    With eleven enlightening tracks covering various aspects of psychic development, MaryAnn shares invaluable teachings and practices to unlock your innate psychic abilities, deepen your spiritual connection, and manifest your highest potential. In these practices, you will:

    · Gain practical techniques to unlock and develop your natural psychic gifts

    · Connect with spirit guides and past lives

    · Learn essential practices for cleansing, grounding, and protecting your spiritual energy, fostering a clear and sacred space for spiritual exploration

    · Identify your dominant clairs and awaken your intuitive abilities, which enable you to perceive the spiritual world

    · Communicate with the other side as you develop the ability to connect with and foster healing with loved ones across dimensions

    · Identify and overcome manifestation obstacles

    · Experience powerful guided meditations to deepen your spiritual practice, raise your vibration, and foster connection with the divine

    Awaken your psychic potential with a deeper understanding of yourself and the spiritual world!

    Track 1 How to Develop Your Psychic Gifts
    Track 2 Spirit Guides & Past Lives – Your Questions Answered!
    Track 3 Grounding Light Protection Introduction & Teaching
    Track 4 Meditation on Grounding Light Protection
    Track 5 Activating Your Clairs Introduction & Teaching
    Track 6 Getting in Touch with Your Clairs Practice
    Track 7 Communicating with the Other Side Introduction & Teaching
    Track 8 Meeting Hours in Heaven – Meditation on Communicating with the Other Side
    Track 9 Overcoming Obstacles to Manifesting Introduction & Teaching
    Track 10 Refresh Your Chakras Overcoming Obstacles to Manifesting Practice
    Track 11 Take Your Seat at the Table – Overcoming Obstacles to Manifesting Meditation
    Track 12 What Spirit Wants You to Know

    ©2024 Maryann Dimarco (P)2024 Hay House LLC

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