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  • How to Create an Eco-Friendly Sustainable Family

  • 10 Easy Steps to Build an Eco-Friendly Family Culture
  • De : Penny P
  • Lu par : Nettie Rose
  • Durée : 4 h et 33 min

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How to Create an Eco-Friendly Sustainable Family

De : Penny P
Lu par : Nettie Rose
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    How to Create an Eco-Friendly Sustainable Family10 Easy Steps to Build an Eco-Friendly Family Culture By Penny P. You already knew a more sustainable lifestyle would be better for the planet... But did you know it could be fun for your family too? The world is in crisis, and you want to make a difference. You know certain products come with a high carbon footprint and the echoes of dubious ethical practices… but the alternatives seem far too expensive. How can you possibly make more sustainable choices with so many contradictory opinions to sift through? And how can you do it on a limited budget?

    You’re not alone in your struggle. There are thousands of people out there who want to help the future of the world and the new generations who will live in it, but making a difference seems impossible. The secret is to find the small changes you can integrate into family life – and that’s possible no matter what your budget or the size of your home. Better yet, it’s a powerful way to create stronger bonds within your family as you all work towards a shared goal. You’ve just found a comprehensive guide to making your family eco-friendly – in 10 simple steps. This clear and accessible guide will demystify the whole process and pave the way for a bright future.

    Inside, you’ll discover: The EARTH approach to sustainable living – a framework so simple you’ll wish you’d discovered it sooner How to inspire your whole family to get on board… no matter how little those ways are! A simple guide to assessing your family’s current carbon footprint and figuring out what you need to change How to become a family of conscious consumers – without giving up the things you love Sneaky tricks for reducing your energy consumption – not to mention the amount of money you’re spending on energy bills! Engaging ways to keep your whole family excited about the project. Ready to change the world? Then start with your family’s world: Scroll up and click ‘Add to Cart’ right now!

    ©2023 Penny P Publishing, LLC. (P)2024 Penny P Publishing, LLC.

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