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Couverture de How to Cowboy

How to Cowboy

De : Jennie Marts
Lu par : Stacey Glemboski
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    After one injury too many, Cade gave up the rodeo for a simpler life working at his cousin's horse-rescue ranch. But his life turns upside down when his estranged daughter is placed in his custody after a tragic car accident. Wanting nothing to do with her father, 13-year-old Allie struggles to adjust to her new life, but Cade hopes the physical therapist he's hired to live at the ranch can give them a start in the right direction.

    Nora Fisher has had a troublesome last couple of months, but that’s nothing compared to what her new patient is going through. Nora will do whatever she can to help Allie and Cade. Her therapy will be hard work for all, but she's grateful Cade is so dedicated to his daughter. And hopefully, the hunky single dad won't be too much of a distraction.

    Cade and Nora are both in way over their heads, but as they work together, they just might heal each other along the way.

    ©2021 Jennie Marts (P)2021 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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