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  • How to Buy Residential Real Estate in Florida Without Getting Burned!

  • A Concise Guide to Avoid Mistakes When Purchasing Residential Real Estate Located in the State of Florida
  • De : Daniel Telep Jr., Bruce Prezzavento
  • Lu par : Patricia Prezzavento
  • Durée : 1 h et 42 min

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How to Buy Residential Real Estate in Florida Without Getting Burned!

De : Daniel Telep Jr., Bruce Prezzavento
Lu par : Patricia Prezzavento
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    This concise and to-the-point guide is meant to educate and empower people interested in purchasing residential real estate located in Florida by quickly explaining many of the various people involved in the transfer of ownership of real property, and some of the unique aspects of residing in Florida. Below are a few examples of the important questions addressed in this guide:

    • Title - what is title to real property and how is the chain of title maintained?
    • The deed - what is the proper maintenance of an enforceable deed to real property?
    • The closing - what is the meeting dedicated to the transfer of ownership of real property?
    • Closing costs - what fees and charges are due at closing that add to the cost of the purchase?
    • Potential construction problems - how do such things as Chinese drywall, radon gas, mold, termite infestation, and potential sinkholes affect the ownership of real property?
    • Community associations - what are they, and how do they affect the ownership of real property?
    • Real property tax - how is property tax calculated, collected, and used in the state of Florida?
    • A licensed real estate broker - how do they help, and why would you want to employ one?

    With straight-forward recommendations at the end of every chapter, use this quick reference guide to cover many of the mistakes made when purchasing Florida real estate.

    ©2021 Daniel Telep Jr (P)2021 Daniel Telep Jr

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