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  • How to Be a Chief Operating Officer

  • 16 Disciplines for Success (How to Be A...)
  • De : Jennifer Geary
  • Lu par : Jennifer Geary
  • Durée : 6 h et 1 min

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How to Be a Chief Operating Officer

De : Jennifer Geary
Lu par : Jennifer Geary
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    Chief Operating Officer is one of the most complex senior management roles in organisations today. It embraces a range of disciplines, from Technology to Human Resources, from Legal to Risk. Yet, unlike other senior executive roles, there is no established framework or body of knowledge to support the COO. This book de-mystifies the COO role and breaks it into 16 core elements; the three fundamental pillars of Culture, Strategy and Change, plus 13 technical areas. It outlines responsibilities, warning signs, and how to boost performance. It equips you with the questions you need to ask to gain early insight, diagnose the issues and move into execution.

    Narrated by the writer, drawing on industry standards and enriched with expert insight and real-life current examples, it condenses a vast range of knowledge and experience into one accessible listen. Now available in Audible, this book, which can be listened to in sequence, or by dropping in on specific technical areas, will make you a more effective leader, faster. This is the book that current COOs wish they had at the outset of their journey. It is the book that your CEO, Board and team need you to listen to.

    ©2017, 2024 Jennifer Geary (P)2024 Jennifer Geary

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