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How to Attract and Flirt with Women and the Charisma Guide (2 Books in 1)

De : Damon Johnson, Tom Anderson, Angelina Williams
Lu par : Oiver Hunt
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Book 1: How to Attract and Flirt with Women

How to talk to women with confidence and charisma, leading to seduction and dating…without being a creep!

Despite the aftershave, the new clothes, and a teetering sense of confidence, you still find yourself alone. Is there some kind of magic trick? Is there a structure I need to follow? You ask yourself as you wonder why no one's advice has worked for you.

Dear potential listener, despite what some people try to con you, there is no magic formula or structure. There is no gentlemen’s code that will guarantee your success in attracting a woman. There is merely yourself. And, unfortunately, that unstable sense of self-confidence may be your downfall. Women don't want someone who is going to fake it till they make it. They want a mature and self-aware man; a man who understands himself deeply and acts according to this understanding. So, if you want to know how to flirt with women, the answer begins with yourself.

Understanding how to flirt and charm your way through situations is a powerful tool, but if you lack conviction and confidence, all the flirting techniques in the world are utterly useless. This audiobook will teach you the real way. Containing tips, tricks, step-by-step methods, and techniques, you will learn how to move through life with confidence, charm, charisma, and success!

It’s time to say good-bye to your old self and welcome a stronger, bolder, and more confident man in his place. The only people who tell you "faking it till you make it" is a winning strategy are the con men after your money. Stay away from that nonsense and learn the real way.

Book 2: The Charisma Guide.

How to become more charismatic in all areas of your life? Learn the skills of charm to be a more sociable and likeable person.

Unlock the charisma code, and learn how to start living life as a more likeable, successful, sociable, and charming person. In this best-selling guide, Tom Anderson and Angelina Williams hand you the step-by-step blueprint to living life as an alluring, fascinating, and engaging person.

In The Charisma Guide, you're going to discover:

  • The three key elements of charisma
  • Real-life case studies
  • How to quickly develop charismatic skills
©2022 Damon Johnson (P)2022 Damon Johnson
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    “The age-old question - How do I talk to women? - feels like it may never be adequately answered….until now!” (John Leenhan, Chicago Times)

    "Interesting, realistic, and vital to get ahead in life.” (Belinda Carson, Chicago Today)

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