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Couverture de How to Ask God

How to Ask God

De : Bill Simpson
Lu par : Bill Simpson
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    Jesus gave his followers an astounding promise: "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you." (John 15:7)

    But what exactly did Jesus mean? How can you keep his words in you and be confident about what you ask the Father to do?

    The Bible tells us how! Jesus gave us an outline for praying, and Paul gave us sample prayers to use in asking God's kingdom to come about in us and in the lives of those with whom we pray.

    This book will build your confidence and help you to stay on task with focused prayers that God most definitely wants to answer. And it will help you discover the power of launching "flare prayers" throughout the day, in the heat of the moment, before you go off on that coworker or fellow commuter. You are about to learn, directly from the Bible, how God wants you to pray and what he wants you to ask him to do.

    Discover how to deepen your relationship with God by learning how to rely on his direct help more and more, for the big stuff and your daily decisions, actions, and reactions. The book is an excellent small-group and couples resource with discussion questions at the end of each chapter including a free, comprehensive leader's guide at

    ©2016 Bill Simpson (P)2020 Bill Simpson

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