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  • How to Analyze People

  • Mastering Analyzing and Reading People
  • De : Martin Lewis
  • Lu par : Scott Clem
  • Durée : 1 h et 36 min

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How to Analyze People

De : Martin Lewis
Lu par : Scott Clem
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    Have you ever spoken to somebody and wondered what they really mean?

    Next time, do you want to have the advantage of knowing what they are saying, without them actually saying it?

    How to Analyze People: Mastering Analyzing and Reading People gives you the answer!

    It will show you how a better understanding of the unconscious language can give you the leverage that you need in daily life situations. With this book, you can make accurate analysis of what drives other people when they do the things they do, simply by reading what their unconscious gestures are trying to say.

    By learning what non-verbal gestures mean, you would be able to decipher clues that would lead you into learning more about the people around you. At the same time, this book will also let you know how you can improve your relationship with others by learning how to communicate better through the right non-verbal gestures.

    Now you would never have to wonder how to convey what you mean. You also will never have to wonder what other people are probably thinking about!

    Just some of the objectives for this book are:

    • Why You Need to Know How to Analyze People?
    • The Benefits of Analyzing People
    • What are Automatic Guards?
    • Can You Really Fake Body Language?
    • The Art of Lying
    • Avoiding Mistakes

    ©2016 Martin Lewis (P)2016 Martin Lewis

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