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Couverture de How to Adult: Personal Finance for the Real World

How to Adult: Personal Finance for the Real World

De : Jake Cousineau
Lu par : Jake Cousineau
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    An essential resource for a high school graduate, college student, or any other young adult who needs to prepare for the financial realities of adulthood. Drawing on years of teaching personal finance in the high school classroom, as well as valuable life experience as a young professional, Cousineau introduces topics ranging from compound interest and mutual funds to Roth IRAs and insurance deductibles. Each chapter contains straightforward explanations, practical examples, revealing anecdotes, and hands-on tools that will help you to jump-start your personal financial journey.

    In this book, you’ll learn:

    • The foundational concepts of personal finance and building wealth
    • How to avoid costly financial missteps
    • How to budget, save, and invest your money wisely
    • How taxes and insurance work
    • How to prepare for life’s big expenses

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 jacob cousineau (P)2023 jacob cousineau


    "This! This is what I needed when I was in high school. It is also what I needed when I was in college, and when I bought my first car, and when I bought my first house, and when I opened my first credit card. Every high school student in America should have to pass a class that uses this book. The real-world examples are relatable and make the reader feel like they are armed with the knowledge they need. It doesn't just make you book smart. It makes you street smart." (Stuart Draper)

    “In How to Adult, Jake Cousineau engages readers using a blend of storytelling, analogies, charts and research to deliver key financial lessons. Whether it's comparing index funds to sports teams or interest to pineapple on pizza, Jake has a gift in delivering financial advice in a way that will educate adults, you and old alike!” (NGPF Personal Finance)

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