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Couverture de How to Accidentally Settle Down

How to Accidentally Settle Down

De : Katherine Ryan
Lu par : Katherine Ryan
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    From acclaimed stand-up comic Katherine Ryan comes a short, funny, and unpredictable true story about love, perseverance, and that one boy she was sure she’d left behind.

    Katherine Ryan’s on-again, off-again high school romance with a genuinely decent boy named Bobby ended in lots of adolescent melodrama and angsty wallowing, fueled by Cool Ranch Doritos. Years later, Katherine is a successful comic in the UK, embracing single motherhood with her precocious daughter, Violet, and is happily resigned to a future without romance. She tells her audience as much. Until her job sends Katherine on a quick trip to her Canadian hometown. After a surprising reconnection with Bobby, Katherine realizes that everything she thought she’d moved on from might not be that far gone at all.

    ©2023 Katherine Ryan (P)2023 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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