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Couverture de How the Mafia Saved My Life

How the Mafia Saved My Life

De : LaQue Duren
Lu par : LaQue Duren
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    How The Mafia Saved My Life by LaQue Duren is a powerful narrative of redemption and resilience. LaQue recounts her journey from a path of peril to one of purpose, guided by a group of individuals who saw her value when she couldn't see it herself. Enduring abuse and the harsh realities of poverty, she was lifted from her circumstances and shown a new way of life.

    The book delves into LaQue's journey of forgiveness, where she finds the strength to forgive her abusers and emerge stronger from the ashes of her past. It's a compelling story of transformation and hope, resonating with anyone who is searching for a way out of their challenges.

    LaQue Duren's background as a charismatic and influential motivational speaker and coach adds depth to her narrative. Her professional training with the Girls Coalition of Boston in preventing teen prostitution and the exploitation of girls reflects her commitment to making a positive impact on society. Through various outreach programs and her coaching work, LaQue continues to inspire and uplift others, emphasizing that our past does not define our future and that we all have the potential to rise above adversity.

    ©2022 LaQue Duren (P)2024 LaQue Duren

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