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Couverture de How the Bible Came to You

How the Bible Came to You

De : Shira Sorko-Ram
Lu par : Russ Wayne
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    I have been friends with Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram for more than 30 years and have ministered with them around the world. They know the importance of the Word of God and what it means in our lives. I love how Shira has taken her love and passion for God’s Word and written this beautiful book explaining how the Bible came to us and the impact it has had on the nations and kingdoms of this world. You are sure to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Bible you read every day. --Robert Morris Senior Pastor, Gateway Church Bestselling Author of The Blessed Life, Beyond Blessed, and Take the Day Off

    From the moment I picked up this little book and began to read, I felt the Lord convicting me to get back into a pattern of daily Bible reading. If you desire to hear God’s voice, discern His will or are seeking divine guidance, you must spend time each day in His word. Take a few minutes to read How the Bible Came to You and you’ll gain a new appreciation for the greatest book ever written. --Jonathan Bernis Host of Jewish Voice Television Program

    Shira Sorko-Ram has been feasting on the Word of God for decades, and she shares her infectious love for the Word in this informative book. We have such instant access to the Scriptures today that we can easily take them for granted. That’s why it is so important to be reminded of the importance the Word of God played in Israel's history and the early church. It’s also important to remember that having the Scriptures translated into modern languages cost many people their lives. That’s why we must cherish the Word of God, which is exactly what Shira’s book will help us to do. --Dr. Michael L. Brown, Host of the Line of Fire broadcast, Author of many books such as Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Theological Objections Vol. 2

    ©2021 Maoz Israel Publishers, Inc (P)2021 Maoz Israel Publishers, Inc

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