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  • How a Woman Over 40 Can Improve Living as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

  • 7 Powerful Habits to Cope with Painful Memories & Toxic Thoughts by Regulating Your Emotions
  • De : Rubina Hassan
  • Lu par : Jillaine Poverud
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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How a Woman Over 40 Can Improve Living as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

De : Rubina Hassan
Lu par : Jillaine Poverud
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    How to own your sensitivity without shame, even if society calls you a weakling.

    Considering that one fifth of the population are highly sensitive people (HSP), having toxic thoughts is not something that only affects those with higher emotional intelligence.

    The good news is, however, there are effective solutions to overcome your sorrow and begin thriving on the other side of it.

    Sensitive people are what this planet needs to keep the dream of a more caring and loving world alive.

    In How a Woman Over 40 Can Improve Living as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you will discover:

    • How you can thrive as a highly sensitive woman in a world where vulnerability is seen as a weakness.
    • Seven powerful habits to introduce into your everyday life so that you can use your emotional intelligence to your advantage.
    • A behind-the-scenes look at the difference between a man and a woman's brain when it comes to emotional intelligence.
    • Concrete tips on how to heal from the past trauma that causes you your emotional stress.
    • The best ways for you to relieve stress and anxiety in order to have a good night’s sleep.
    • How to protect yourself from the external energies that overwhelm you on a day-to-day basis.
    • Over seven straight-forward daily practices to incorporate into your new lifestyle that will help you understand, express, and process your feelings.

    And much more!

    You don’t need to know anything about mindful practices in order to begin this journey into the inner world of self.

    With in-depth guidance, you’ll shift from shame to self-esteem, from negative thoughts to positive ones, and transform your past trauma into your strongest weapon.

    It’s time to say goodbye to your fear of showing the world who you truly are, and instead use your emotional intelligence as a strength.

    Discover how you can heal and live your life to the fullest.

    ©2022 Rubina Hassan (P)2023 Rubina Hassan

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