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Couverture de How You Lost Your Mind & How to Take It Back

How You Lost Your Mind & How to Take It Back

De : Lundi Tsotso
Lu par : Andrew Goeller
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    Is the mind as powerful as everyone says it is? Wouldn't you want to be able to use this power? Wouldn't you want to learn how to use it to your advantage, to open the doors to unimaginable wealth and abundance?

    How You Lost Your Mind & How to Take It Back is an audiobook about our mind's inherent mechanical nature. How easily the mind can be persuaded and manipulated, so to say. What if I told you that it's possible and could be done in a relatively short amount of time. Well, this audiobook will show you step by step how to intentionally create the life you want just by using a proven system used by billion-dollar companies from across the world.

    By following the money, you'll see that these methods work wonders for profits, and they're going to work wonders for you too!

    ©2022 Lundi Tsotso (P)2023 Lundi Tsotso

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