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How To Learn English Grammar

De : HowExpert Press, Virginia Fidler
Lu par : Cody J. Johnson
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This book covers the basics of word usage, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, propositions and adjectives. It shows how they work together to form sentences and ideas, and how misuse of grammar can lead to serious misunderstandings.

Nouns take on plural or singular meaning. Verbs take on past, present, and future tenses. The meaning of what we say depends on the correct word choices that we make. Of course, nouns and verbs are modified by adjectives and adverbs for greater descriptive value. Using all of the words at our disposal in the correct way makes our language sing with taste, color, and texture.

This book also deals with words that are spelled alike or sound alike but must be treated differently in order to avoid confusion. Synonyms and homonyms can confuse and bewilder the best of us. Also, the rules of pronunciation can become confusing, and the book sets out the major rules that govern pronunciation.

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