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Couverture de How She Escaped

How She Escaped

De : H.K. Christie
Lu par : Robin McAlpine
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    A haunted past. A thirty-five-year-old mystery. Can Martina uncover the truth in time to find a missing woman and keep herself from falling victim to the city’s darkest elements?

    With haunted eyes, a survivor steps into the offices of Drakos Monroe Security & Investigations, asking for Martina’s help. Thirty-five years earlier, Nancy made a harrowing escape from the clutches of a ruthless sex-trafficking syndicate in San Francisco, forced to leave her best friend Victoria behind. Clean and with a family of her own, Nancy hires Martina to find Victoria in a search for closure, justice, and the friend she lost so many years ago.

    Soon, Martina finds that Victoria’s fate is entwined in a decades-old mystery, and every new clue draws back the veil on corruption and depravity that spans over three decades.

    With time as her adversary, Martina must unravel the mystery of Victoria’s fate, investigating a criminal network hell-bent on preserving its dark secrets. The stakes reach a fever pitch as she uncovers the chilling truth and a shocking revelation.

    Ignoring the dangers of hunting ruthless criminals, Martina and her team will stop at nothing to uncover the truth.

    How She Escaped is the tenth installment of the Martina Monroe Crime Thriller series. You will not want to miss this one!

    ©2023 H.K. Christie (P)2024 Keekstar Media

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