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  • How My Food Fits My Mood

  • A Meaningful Story to Teach Young Kids About Managing Their Emotions Through Food and Color (Amazing Me, Book 2)
  • De : Tamir Kira, Yuli Kira
  • Lu par : Josh S.
  • Durée : 4 min

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How My Food Fits My Mood

De : Tamir Kira, Yuli Kira
Lu par : Josh S.
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    What color is sad? What does yellow mean? And what do these all have to do with dinner?

    Feelings, flavors, and colors – how do they connect?

    Sometimes, our feelings overwhelm us and we’re not sure what to do with them. Children experience very intense emotions, both positive and negative, and when they don’t know how to separate their hunger from their emotions, over time they can develop an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Yuli learns that when you talk about your emotions and give them the attention they deserve, it can help you figure out why you’re feeling a certain way. Assigning red to angry, blue to sad, yellow to icky, and white to happy, lets her connect with her feelings.

    Together with Yuli, young listeners will learn how to satisfy their hunger in a more mindful way, creating a healthy connection between their body and emotions – and understanding just how their food can fit their mood.

    ©2023 Tamir Kira, Yuli Kira (P)2024 eBookPro
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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